Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I don't know if I want french fries ever again :(

I was flipping through the channels today when I saw a couple on a date frying foods. It was disgusting. The process of frying foods? It was kinda gross. They even, just for the laugh of it, fried one of the couple's sock.

Usually I do love to indulge in french fries and onion rings every once in awhile. Its a childhood favorite! My favorite food as a child was french fries. Of course, this was way before I got into health food and nutrition.

You can deep fry anything these days. Its quite disgusting. It may look good or taste good to you, but wait a second? Do I sense some lard building up in the arteries? This can up your cholesterol!. It can also lead up to the whole "you are what you eat" kinda deal if this is in a daily diet. Yeshhh :(

Here's a video on how one restaurant deep fries foods.

Its kind of disgusting. The frying of that fish looked like frying a carcass. Lets try a human body next time! Yesh. And yes, I've noticed that the owner for the french fry food place has the same name as me.

So, I am going to challenge myself from now on, to not eat anything that is fried. Not even fried tofu! Good bye fried tofu.

An alternative to deep frying is baking foods! Or sauteing on the stove!.

What I had for breakfast this morning was sauteed zucchini and asparagus with spices! Soo yummy! I had a healthy breakfast. :)

If you want to join the challenge! Lets do it together! Lets stay healthy and eat healthy! Drop fried foods!

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